None of the success and positive outcomes Te Papa Hauora has brought to the community would be possible without the continued commitment of founding partners and their willingness to collaborate for the greater good. Here’s what Advisory Council members had to say about the precinct and why they and their organisations continue to be involved.



Health NZ, Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Canterbury | Te Tai o Poutini West Coast

Becky Hickmott, Executive Director of Nursing, Health NZ, Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Canterbury | Te Tai o Poutini West Coast, and Te Papa Hauora Advisory Council Member.

“It is hard to comprehend that it has been 10 years since Te Papa Hauora formed and it is wonderful to see the collective hopes, dreams and aspirations of our institutions now truly coming to life.

This is one of the most important roles I have held within a leadership capacity and is a pleasure to be part of. Years ago, prior to Te Papa Hauora being formed, some of us travelled to other health precincts to gain insights from their experiences. International colleagues emphasised the need to learn from their experiences.  They often built big buildings for research, education and simulation but the ongoing challenge was how to bring institutions together to collaborate on an ongoing basis.

What we can see within Te Papa Hauora is a strong ability, desire and motivation to work together, to develop a continued deliberate joint strategy between all of our partners around the Advisory Council to ensure our priorities focus as well as engage us more strongly locally, nationally and internationally. Steady, consistent leadership to enact these strategies has enabled our health precinct to be a place thriving with students from within our education and health institutes who have collaboration and innovation at the core of our values.

It is wonderful to see the public, our staff and students engaging in free public seminars, talks, innovation and medtech events throughout the year which have helped to continue to grow the awareness of the work Te Papa Hauora undertakes. It also helps to showcase our connections right across the health and education systems, as well as the research and innovation hubs.

One of the wonderful programmes we really celebrate is the Future Leaders Programme which has expanded the boundaries of leadership for health professions to help gain understanding of the wider health system, to intersect and showcase our industry and business leaders, which helps shape the future leaders and our future health system.”

Ara Institute of Canterbury

Darren Mitchell, Regional Executive Director for Ara Institute of Canterbury and Te Papa Hauora Advisory Council Member.

“The collaboration that underpins the Health Precinct in Ōtautahi Christchurch is enabled through the governance and leadership of Te Papa Hauora.

The vision of having a place where the worlds of clinical practice, research, workforce development, training, and health tech and simulation, come together for the benefit of our learners gives them a huge head start in their pursuit of a career in such an essential field.

Being part of Te Papa Hauora has created opportunities for Ara learners and their tutorial staff to be engaged in activities at the forefront of clinical practice globally.

With opportunities to work alongside experts in their field as well as share learning experiences with other students from Canterbury and Otago Universities, we can offer some of the best health workforce training in the country from the Manawa campus, a specialist work integrated training facility right in the heart of the Health Precinct alongside the Christchurch hospital.

Te Papa Hauora is continuously scanning the horizon for new developments and opportunities to ensure that Ōtautahi Christchurch is the place to be if you want to be a part of a world leading medical ecosystem.”

University of Canterbury

Cathy Andrew  Executive Dean – Faculty of Health – University of Canterbury and Te Papa Hauora Advisory Council Member.

“The breadth and depth of the Te Papa Hauora collaboration is unique and enables those involved to achieve so much more than if they were working alone.

Te Papa Hauora has provided a strong foundation for collaboration amongst the three tertiary education providers, Te Whatu Ora and Ngai Tūāhuriri. Collectively we can offer so many more opportunities for students and staff to engage with and learn from each other, the wider health sector and mana whenua.

This extends from students beginning their health careers through to our senior researchers, innovators and practitioners in a truly interdisciplinary way ultimately to improve the health outcomes of our community. This breadth and depth of collaboration is unique. Te Papa Hauora provides an infrastructure and focus to our collective endeavours that enables us to achieve so much more than working alone.”


University of Otago, Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka

Professor David Murdoch, University of Otago Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka and Te Papa Hauora Advisory Council Member.

“As a research-led university, the University of Otago is a key partner in Te Papa Hauora.

Te Papa Hauora has certainly brought the partner organisations closer together at the top, with a common sense of purpose. The relationships between institutions are uniformly stronger than before the earthquakes, and that’s coming from a high baseline. Importantly, there is a considerable amount of trust between the partners around the table, which can’t help spilling over elsewhere.

Te Papa Hauora is much more than just buildings, but the Council has always demonstrated strong support for the new UoO building that has put aside any inter-institutional tensions, recognising the building as critical infrastructure for the precinct and the central city.

A lawyer once described TPH as an “unincorporated group of enthusiasts” and acknowledged its considerable amount of influence given its informal status and funding. I think that says a lot about the partners and commitment.”

Ngāi Tūāhuriri

Amber Clarke, Pou Ora Whitiora Centre and Te Papa Hauora Advisory Council Member.

Ngāi Tūāhuriri have the status noho-i-te-tūturu (as manawhenua) for circa. 700 000 people in their takiwā. As such they are interested in how equity, and excellence contribute to positive outcomes and who they partner with to achieve this, with Health as one of their pou (focus) areas.  This responsibility is guided by the principle, recounted by Pita Te Hori, the first Upoko Rūnanga in 1961 – Āwhinatia, kia atawhai ki te iwi – To cherish and care for the people.