The University of Canterbury is highly regarded internationally for its research performance and its research-led learning and teaching.
The University offers research-led professional education in Audiology, Clinical Psychology, Medical Physics, Nursing, Social Work and Speech and Language Pathology. Key teaching programmes are also offered in Health Sciences which focus on the Health Education, Māori and Indigenous Health, Psychology, Public Health, Physical Activity, Public Health and Society and Policy. Other key research areas at the University with strong health components include Biochemistry, Bioengineering, Food Safety, Human Interface Technology and Microbiology.
The University plays a significant role as a partner in Te Papa Hauora Health Precinct through its strengths in key areas of health research and health professional education. University of Canterbury School of Health Sciences staff and students are located within the Health Precinct’s flagship building Manawa.
The University of Canterbury’s contribution also encompasses postgraduate teaching, research, clinical practice, and professional development across a range of disciplines with specialist undergraduate education and training added as appropriate. Selected programmes and projects have the potential to gain significant synergies and benefits by co-location in the Health Precinct alongside the largest concentration of health professionals and patients/clients in the South Island.
“Te Papa Hauora has provided a strong foundation for collaboration amongst its partners. Collectively we can offer so much more opportunities for students and staff to engage with and learn from each other, the wider health sector and mana whenua.”
Executive Dean Faculty of Health Cathy Andrews is the University of Canterbury’s Advisory Council Member.